List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7615 Effect of tofu powder and carrageenan on functionality and physical characteristics of Surimi emulsion gel. tofu powder carrageenan meat emulsion Surimi microstrcture

Woralak Panyathitipong; Yuporn Puechkamut

serials the kasetsart journal

8761 Effect of total feeding mixed fiber on feed intake and milk production in mild-lactating dairy cows. pineapple sweet corn dairy cows

Warinthorn Maneerat; Somkiert Prasanpanich; Phongthorn Kongmun; Wirat Sinsmut; Sornthep Tumwasorn

serials the kasetsart journal

3631 Effect of transportation stress on bovine lymphocyte and neutrophil functions Lymphocytes Animal anatomy Cell culture Immunity

Hideo Murata; Hisashi Hirose

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

7335 Effect of Treated Seeds with H2BO3, GA3, KNO3, and ZnSO4 on Seedling Growth of Sweet Corn and Yard Long Bean. seed priming germination root growth dry weight

Panie Temesagdie; Taikichi Takano

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

4034 Effect of tree canopy on the growth of Zoysia japonica Steud. under a deciduous forest with different tree densities. grassland grazing litter rooting shading thinning

Ichirou Otani; Naoyuki Yamamoto; Shigeki Entsu

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

4135 Effect of vitamin and amino acid supplements on broiler performance under heat stress. broiler chickens heat stress vitamins amino acid mortality

Draslarova, J.; Blaha, J.; Koubkova, M.

serials agricultura tropica et subtropica

9425 Effective microorganisms made this Thai farmer rich. microorganism farmer mudballs catfish bamboo teak wood herbal medicine

Barcelona, Arsenio

serials agriculture magazine

8168 Effective professional development for teacher educators in Papua New Guinea. professional development Papua New Guinea

Lucas, Keith B.; Swinson, Kevan V.; Tulip, David F.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

13475 Effective vannamei culture practices Penaeus monodon; shrimp; feeding guide serials agriculture magazine

7404 Effectiveness in N2 Fixation of Sesbania speciosa and Sesbania rostrata Rhizobia Isolated from Different Locations. sesbania speciosa sesbania rostrata rhizobium biological nitrogen fixation

Nantakorn Boonkerd; Suwannee Promsiri

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science