List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9187 A study on 'Genomewide selection' for Maize (Zea mays L.) breeding in Japanese public sectors: Heritability of maturity-and yield related traits plant breeding Bets Linear Unbiased Prediction culm length inbred line planitng density

Hiroyuki Tamakii; Hisashi Sato; Shohei Mitsuhasi; Tomohiro Kikawada

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

3897 A study on costs and returns of four cultural management techniques of coconut production. Coconut economics coconut plantation establishment cultural management benefit-cost ratio economic comparative advantage covercropping weed control management economics of fertilization

De Castro, M.M.; Magat, S.S.; Prudente, R.A.P.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

6968 A study on morphological and anatomical characters of some bananas in Thailand. banana morphological anatomical

Prasart Kermanee; Malee Nanakorn; Kawit Wanichkul; Weerachai Nanakorn

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

15480 A study on postharvest losses in fisheries owing to changes in market supply and demand in the Philippines postharvest losses; market force loss; market supply and demand; peak fishing season; market dynamics

Tadifa , Gezelle C.; Banicod, Riza Jane S.; Peralta, Deserie M.; Ramos, Charlotte Ann M.; Montojo, Ulysses M.

serials the philippine journal of fisheries

7396 A Study on Preparation and Properties of Starch from Deep-purple Corn. deep-purple corn corn starch

Rasamee Supasri; Vipa Surojanamatakul

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6657 A study on seed germination and seedling development of spathoglottis bl. orchids. in vitro germination spathoglottis bl. paclobutrazol banana seedling growth

Mao Minea; Chitrapan Piluek; Alisara Menakanit; Sureeya Tantiwiwat

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6802 A study on spermatogenesis of the giant tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon Fabricius (Decapoda). spermatogenesis Decapoda Penaeus monodon

Wanida Tripanichkul; Weerachai Singhaniyom; Weeraphong Vuthiphanchai; Sumol Jueng-udomcharoen

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

8834 A study on the knob formation mechanism in the knobbed mutant (K) of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. silkworm Bombyx mori

Sachiko Shimura

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

6913 A study on the production efficiency of 30 commercial swine herds II. The relationship among production indices. production indices relationship swine herd

Preeyaphan Udomprasert; Kitcha Urairong; Tawatchai Sakpuaram; Worawidh Wajjwalku

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

7479 A Study on the Production Efficiency of 30 Commercial Swine Herds. I. The Production Profile. swine production profile indices

Preeyaphan Udomprasert; Kitcha Urairong; Tawatchai Sakpuaram; Worawidh Wajjwalku

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science