List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3203 Adapting husbandry techniques for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.) to local conditions in Thailand Aquaculture Asia Bony fishes Africa

Middendorp, A.J.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

15195 Adapting programs to assist teachers and students with the new way of learning new normal; adaptation; online learning; COVID-19 pandemic; QITEP

Luh Anik Mayani

serials journal of southeast asian education

6166 Adapting to climate change. climate change heat tolerance rice

Manalo IV, Jaime A.

serials agriculture magazine

7139 Adapting to climate change: Policy recommendations for the developing world. climate change water management land use practices weather and climate services capacity building economic diversification credit and crop insurance gender diversity crop varieties ICRISAT

International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)

serials agriculture magazine

15985 Adapting to climate change: Strategies of Albay, Philippines risk reduction practices; geostrategic intervention; climate change; adaptation strategy; Albay

Salceda, Joey Sarte

serials searca agriculture and development notes 2012 2-1

15992 Adapting to climate change: The Cordillera experience natural disasters; climate change; rice production; Cordillera Autonomous Region; Cordillera; Philippines

Sandoval, Roberto Jr.; Baas, Stephan

serials searca agriculture and development notes 2014 3-2

6756 Add peanut to corn-cotton relay cropping system. relay cropping plant spacing corn peanut cotton

Nopporn Sayampol; Sodsai Changsalak

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

16121 Adding diversity as a new dimension in the food security framework food access; food supply; diversity; nutrition security; food security; food system

Chiang, Shun-Nan; Capina, Xyrus Godfrey

serials searca policy note 2018

5363 Adding the socio-cultural dimension in environmental communication. communication environment media information, education and communication approach

Mangahas, P.P.

serials tropical coasts

13769 Adding value to sugar crop trash byproducts sugar crops; sugarcane; sweet sorghum; sugar beets; biochar; animal bedding; heavy metals

Avant, Sandra

serials agriculture magazine