ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
3762 | Fabulous figs featured in California collection. | figs Panachee | Wood, Marcia |
serials | agriculture |
8078 | Facilitating change for secondary mathematics teachers. | teachers mathematics | Peter, Andrea; Clarke, David; Carlin, Paul |
serials | journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia |
15372 | Facilitating Philippine mathematics teacher competencies through online teaching | online teaching competencies; mathematics; teachers | Llego, A.A. |
serials | journal of southeast asian education |
5400 | Facilitating the speedy payment of oil spill compensation claims under the CLC and Fund Convention. | oil spills liability insurance tankers admissible claims cleanup | White, I.C. |
serials | tropical coasts |
7164 | Facility for vermiculture set up in demo farm in Ilocos Sur. | vermiculture earthworms vermicast organic fertilizer | Tacadena, Mancielito S. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
6962 | Factor affecting the production of clarified banana drink. | clarified banana juice banana puree | Montatip Yunchalad; Jiang Ming Ai; Vipa Surojanamethakul |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
6916 | Factors affecting papaya glace' drying in tunnel. | papaya glace' tunnel drying drying | Piyarat Noosuk; Somchart Soponronnarit; Tipaporn Yoovidhya; Adisak Nathakaranakule |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
8074 | Factors affecting students' abilities to solve operational and word problems in mathematics. | word problems mathematics | Sam, Lim C.; Lourdusamy, A.; Ghazali, Munirah |
serials | journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia |
15099 | Factors affecting the savings of cooperative members in the City of Calamba Cooperatives and Livelihood Development Department (CLDD) | cooperatives; savings | Espanto, Fatimah S.; Dorado, Rowena A. |
serials | journal of economics, management and agricultural development |
6454 | Factors Affecting Water Soluble Polysaccharide Content and Pasting Properties of Thai Glutinous Rice. | glutinous rice water soluble polysaccharide amylase sensitive substance | Vipa Surojanametakul; Patcharee Tungtrakul; Warunee Varanyanond |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |