List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
14539 Father and daughter duo tell the story of T'boli farmers through coffee coffee; business; coffee processing; T'boli; Cotabato

Dukha, Angel B. III

serials agriculture magazine

14541 Father and daughter put up an organization to teach Mindanao youth the basics of urban gardening urban gardening; school garden; youth; Zamboanga

Tan, Yvette

serials agriculture magazine

4299 Father and son design and fabricate agricultural and livestock machineries. machinery, chopper, shredder, composter, feed mixer,

Ogbinar, A.O.

serials agriculture

3178 Fats and oils: understanding the functions and properties of partially hydrogenated fats and oils and their relationship to unhydrogenated fats and oils Fats Oils Hydrogenated fats coconut oil

Enig, M.G

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

7631 Fatty acid profile of ruminal fluid, plasma and milk fat of dairy cows fed soybean and sunflower oil-rich diets without effects on milk production. soybean oil sunflower oil polyunsaturated fatty acid milk cows

Jitkamol Thanasak; Surasak Jittakhot; Somkiat Kosulwat; Theera Rukkwamsuk

serials the kasetsart journal

6666 Fatty liver in high producing dairy cows kept in evaporative cooling system in a commercial dairy herd in Thailand. dairy cow fatty liver triacylglycerol

Theera Rukkwamsuk; Sunthorn Rungruang; Theo Wensing

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

3530 Faunal composition and seasonal distribution of tabanid flies (diptera, tabanidae) at plain and mountain pastures in Northern Tochigi, Japan Natural distribution

Ito, Y.;

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

5108 Faunal inventory of Naujan Lake National Park and its adjacent watershed, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines. threatened species marsh area biodiversity birds mammals amphibians reptiles Naujan Lake Philippines animals

Ticsay, M.V.; Ledesma, M.M.

serials sylvatrop: the technical journal of philippine ecosystems and natural resources

3270 Feasibility of adopting aquaculture to increase resource productivity in existing Bangladesh farming systems

Ahmed, M.; Rab, M.A.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

4128 Feasibility of the organic production of citrus fruit within a new EU agri-environment and rural development policy. citrus organic farming rural development

Juan, F.J.I.; Ricardo, J.S.I.; Sergio, M.V.

serials agricultura tropica et subtropica