List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13588 Fern spore bank established in Bukidnon fern spore bank

Lapitan, Ma. Kristina Abigail S.; Zaragoza, Eirene Grace C.

serials agriculture magazine

3717 Ferritin in soybeans may be a good iron source for women. soybeans iron deficiency ferritin serials agriculture

4778 Fertility evaluation of soils grown with cutflowers and strawberry. cutflowers strawberries soil fertility soil chemicophysical properties soil chemical properties fertilizer recommendation

Lengwa, S.B.; Marquez, M.M.

serials bsu research journal

7883 Fertility management of the soil-rhizosphere system for efficient fertilizer use in vegetable production. soil-rhizosphere system solution technology drip irrigation localized amendment bio-charcoal application

Ma, Chin H.; Palada, Manuel C.

serials fftc extension bulletin 586

3195 Fertilization of hybrid coconut with animal manures and other organic and inorganic fertilizers from field planting to full bearing stage Coconut fertilization hybrid coconut animal manures organic fertilizer inorganic fertilizer soil fertility management

Secretaria, M.I.; Maravilla, J.N.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

4925 Fertilizer combinations for coconut. Fertilizing ammonium sulfate chloride manure goat manure coconut husk

Catibog, Noel A.

serials agriculture

7156 Fertilizer from seaweed addresses zinc deficiency in rice, other crops. organic fertilizer seaweeds zinc deficiency

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

5169 Fertilizer pellets made from composted livestock manure. livestock manure animal wastes recycling molding machine compost pellets

Masayuki Hara

serials fftc extension bulletin 506

3895 Fertilizer recommendations for coconut based on soil and leaf analyses. Coconut fertilization soil analysis foliar diagnosis soil properties leaf nutrients

Magat, S.S.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

4483 Fertilizer recommendations for sustainable production of orchard fruit in the south of Vietnam. fertilizer application nutrient balance organic fertilizers foliar fertilizers fruit trees durian dragon fruit longan citrus mango mangosteen rambutan soil moisture Vietnam

Bui Xuan Khoi; Mai Van Tri

serials fftc extension bulletin 535