List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7448 Fertilizer Response and Economic Return of Cassava Variety Kasetsart 50. fertilizer response economic return Kasetsart 50

Piya Duangpatra

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

14355 Fertilizer-use efficiency of farmers using manure in Liaozhong County, China agricultural economics; agricultural waste; circular agriculture; manure

Kusano, Eiichi; Yin, Changbin; Chien, Hsiaoping

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

5204 Fiber of kapok (Ceiba pentandra) as component of a metal sensor for lead in water samples. heavy metals kapok kapok metal sensor lead analysis voltammetric analysis water pollution

Mojica, E.R.E.; Merca, F.E.; Micor, J.R.L.

serials philippine journal of crop science

6668 Fibrinolytic activity of Thai indigenous vegetables white shrimp. Thai indigenous vegetable fibrinolytic activity proteolytic activity thermal stability

Jeong Hwa Hong; Benya Manochai; Gassinee Trakoontivakorn; Vipaporn Na Thalang

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

14642 Field application of potassium fertilizer mitigates impact of reproductive stage drought stress on rice yield grain yield; growth; leaf rolling; potassium fertilizer; reproductive drought stress; rice variety; soil moisture status

Faustino, Gem P.; Hernandez, Jose E.; Desamero, Nenita V.; Cruz, Rolando T.

serials rice-based biosystems journal

5164 Field augmentation of Orius strigicollis (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) for the control of thrips in Taiwan thrips natural enemies rearing eggplant pest control flower bug

Chin-Ling Wang; Ping-Chuan Lee; Yen-Jung Wu

serials fftc extension bulletin 500

7820 Field evaluation of Antica for management of rice bacterial leaf blight and tungro. bacterial leaf blight hybrid rice rice tungro bacilliform virus rice tungro spherical virus Antica organic pesticide fermented papaya lactic acid plant diseases insect pests PhilRice

Gergon, Evelyn B.; Amar, Gracia B.

serials agriculture magazine

7495 Field Evaluation of Formulations of Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus Against the Cotton Bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera. field evaluation formulation nuclear polyhedrosis virus cotton bollworm

Prapas Dariphatt; Tipvadee Attathom; Chalit Mahattana-art

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

4039 Field experiment on the migration of fishes to a paddy field with a small fishway. fishways biodiversity paddy irrigation systems fish protection fish migration

Kenji Hata

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

3186 Field notes on an update of coconut fertilizer use efficiency and productivity of SCFDP farms. Fertilizers coconut fertilization mineral nutrition rehabilitation productivity chloride fertilizers copra

Magat, Severino S.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies