ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
8266 | Implications of an unintended area-wide IPM for CHILO SUPPRESSALIS in Japan. | unintended, IPM, chilo suppressalis, japan, | Keizi Kiritani |
serials | fftc extension bulletin 588 |
4986 | Implications of Codex Standards for the regulation of genetically modified food | genetically modified food, food labelling, task force, biotechnology, WTO, | Berkey, Judson O. |
serials | asian biotechnology and development review |
3303 | Implications of sea ranching in developing countries | Ungson, J.R. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
9279 | Importance of proper pasture management : It plays a vital role in higher productivity from and profitability of buffaloes. | forage rotational grazing grazing system pasture development dry matter pasture grasses Brachiaria cultivar guinea grass Panicum maximum forage legumes | Irang, Ma. Cecilia C. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
4095 | Imports of live cattle rise 50%. | cattle, import, meat, | serials | agriculture |
8927 | Improved charcoal briquette properties using the FPRDI modified briquettor. | charcoal briquettes, | Bisana, Belen B. |
serials | forest products research development institute |
5920 | Improved crop varieties possible through irradiation. | irradiation crop improvement gamma radiation rice mungbean peanut cashew mangosteen ornamental plants Cordyline terminalis | Abello, Melpha M. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
7063 | Improved farming technology works for banana farmers in Isabela. | banana production | serials | agriculture magazine |
8023 | Improved livelihoods and environmental protection through biodiesel plantation in Asia. | seedling, field, irrigation, manures and fertilizers, weeding, pongamia, insect pests, diseases, harvesting, yield, | Wani, Suhas P. |
serials | asian biotechnology and development review |
5524 | Improved makapuno hybrids developed by Leyte State University. | coconut, makapuno, hybrids, | Gerona, Zenaida D. |
serials | agriculture magazine |