List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
4797 Impact pathway analysis for research planning: The case of aquatic resources research in the WorldFish Center. research, aquatic resources, benefits, research impacts,

Briones, M.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

16090 Impacts of an early education intervention on students' learning achievement education; performance

Yamauchi, Futoshi; Liu, Yanyan; Cordova, Violy; Gascon, Fe; Abunyawan, Juliet; Sanchez, Felisberta

serials searca policy brief series 2011-5

5318 Impacts of climatic change on world agricultural product markets: Estimation of macro yield functions. global warming, yields, climatic change, yields,

Jun Furuya

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

7423 Impacts of Feeding BOSPRO on Reproduction and Lactation Performance of Lactating Holsteins. bospro, milk yield, reproduction,

Preeyaphan Udomprasert

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6727 Impacts of land cover changes and large reservoirs development on streamflow regime of the Chao Phraya river basin and its tributaries. streamflow regime land cover change Chao Phraya river basin

Nipon Tangtham; Samakkee Boonyawat; Pongsak Witthawatchutikul

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

4841 Implementation of village self-help projects in the Kyrgyz Republic. economic development, community projects, community characteristics, local participation, development projects, Kyrgyz,

Dewald, J.A.

serials world development

8096 Implementing an inquiry-based primary science curriculum in Malaysia: A case study of an experienced teacher. inquiry-based, curriculum, science, Malaysia,

Jeannie, Ling Ai Y.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

5378 Implementing an international certification system for a sustainable marine aquarium trade. destructive fishing, cyanide, overfishing, aquarium animals, marine ornamental trade, certification, labeling, coral reefs,

Holthus, P.

serials tropical coasts

5285 Implementing geographic information systems at PhilRice: Application in rice science. GIS, ICT, information and communication technology, research, development, extension, RDE, decision support tool, geospatial technologies,

Godilano, E.C.

serials philrice technical bulletin

15263 Implementing the SEAMEO virtual programmes SEAMEO virtual programs; online technologies; WebEx

Tan Ketudat

serials journal of southeast asian education