List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
16305 Notes: Effects of small sustainable land use systems in developing countries land use systems; agricultural production; India

Schindler, Jana; Wüstemann, Henry

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

5925 Novartis supports judicious use of antibiotics. antibiotics resistance animals

Landicho, Elito Ferry

serials agriculture magazine

14482 Novel device and method for fast water change in the hatchery culture of Pacific oyster larvae Crassostrea gigas; water change; hatchery culture; Pacific oyster larvae

Li, Zhuang; Wei Lei; Cai, Zhongqiang; Li, Jiarong; Chen, Man; Li, Guangbin; Gai, Chaowei; Guo, Wen; Wang, Xiatong

serials philippine agricultural scientist

8450 Novel organic agritourism destination in the making in Bacolod City. agritourism, organic garden,

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

7651 Novel strains of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae UV mutated induce systemic resistance in rice against bacterial leaf blight disease. biocontrol, UV mutants, avirulent strain, activated plant defense, defense related enzyme, glucanase, peroxidase, bacteriocin, exopolysaccharide,

Amy Thein

serials the kasetsart journal

3893 Novel synthetic methods for coconut fatty amines and derivatives. Coconut, fatty amides, ammonolysis, coconut oil,

Garcia, Ester A.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

5758 Now a golden kuhol crusher-grinder. Golden kuhol golden apple snail machine

Pesino, Marife L.

serials agriculture magazine

4168 Now comes aerobic rice. rice, technology, aerobic rice, serials agriculture

4378 Now you can purchase fish online with ATM card. web trading, technology, fishing industry, trading, ATM, PayPlus, serials agriculture

14814 NPK removal from Maize cultivation fields in Kenethao and Paklai Districts, Xayabury Province, Lao PDR maize; nutrient balance; nutrient level in soil; nutrient removal; Lao PDR

Matsumoto, Naruo; Oudthachid, Saythong; Khanthavong, Phanthasin; Souvannalat, Amphay

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)