ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
4470 | New options for lychee and longan fans and farmers. | lychee, longan, hot water treatment, Chinese firecracker, thale cress, | serials | agriculture |
3756 | New options in managing garlic pests. | disease control, weed management, pests, insect pests, kakawate extract, purple blotch, garlic, Vitex negundo, lagundi, | Mapa, Segundo |
serials | agriculture |
8592 | New palm oil mill spurs new planting in North Cotobato. | palm oil, oil mill, | Sarian, Zac B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
4322 | New peanut cultivars resist disease and spoilage. | peanuts, cultivars, oleic acid, Sclerotinia blight, fungus, | serials | agriculture |
4328 | New peanut variety yields 3 times national average. | peanut, varieties, yields, | serials | agriculture |
12955 | New PhilRice hyrbrids in pipeline | bacterial leaf blight PR40640H PR47216H PR40640H | serials | agriculture magazine |
8727 | New pickling cucumber invades Nueva Ecija. | cucumber, | Rodriguez, Tony A. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
14065 | New plant breeding techniques to be explored | plant breeding techniques; projects; PCAARRD | Lubang, Sharie Al-Faiha A. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
15035 | New plant species discovered in the Philippines in 2020 | plant species | Tan, Yvette; Bustamante, Raab |
serials | agriculture magazine |
4266 | New pressure tester helps fine-tune irrigation systems. | drip irrigation, water pressure, squeezer, | serials | agriculture |