ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
15788 | Nepal's sacred cattle: Profitability analysis and policy implications | no-slaughtering of cattle policy; profitability analysis | Ojo, Kehinde Elizabeth; VanSickle, John J.; Thapa, Bhawna |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
6663 | Nesting habits of some hornet species (hymenoptera, vespidae) in northern Thailand. | vespa spp nesting sites vespidae | Masao Nakamura; Saowapa Sonthichai |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
13529 | Nestle aids coffee farmers to avail of easy access credit | credit program; PLEA; loans; DA-ACPC | serials | agriculture magazine |
13275 | Nestle Lipa coffee nursery adopts solar power | solar system; alternative energy; coffee plantlets; irrigation | serials | agriculture magazine |
3676 | Net energy of sweet corn husk and cob silage calculated from digestibility in cows. | silage, sweet corn, corn husk, cob, digestibility, cow, | Boonlom Cheva-Isarakul |
serials | the kasetsart journal |
8173 | Neuroscience in mathematics: An electroencephalographic study on fraction learning. | neuroscience, mathematics, fraction, | Hoon, Ong P. |
serials | journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia |
14108 | Neutrophilic granulocytic sarcoma and acute basophilic leukemia in cattle | animal health; esterase staining; immunohistochemistry; myeloid leukemia; myeloid sarcoma; cattle | Maki Sekiguchi; Saori Yamaura; Takuya Oizumi; Tomoyuki Shibahara; Yoshiharu Ishikawa; Koichi Kadota |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
4285 | Never too old to do his brand of farming. | fruits, longan, dragon fruit, jujube, star fruit, makopa, atis, papaya, | serials | agriculture |
5802 | New 4-in-1 portable smokehouse: The latest in fish smoking technology. | fish smoking smokehouse processor equipment | Dela Cruz, Rita T. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
12928 | New agribusiness book by Dr. Rolando T. Dy off the press | agribusiness; rural progress; poverty reduction | serials | agriculture magazine |