List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
6025 NCRC-Visayas identify less harmful pesticides, viable biological control against brontispa. Brontispa longissima coconut leaf beetle muscardine fungi earwigs pest control

Gerona, Zenaida D.

serials agriculture magazine

4252 NDA-assisted co-ops operate new milk facilities. milk plant, cooperatives, fresh milk, KKMI, FEDDAFC, serials agriculture

3368 Nearshore fish resources and fisheries around Kigoma, Eastern coast of lake Tanganyika Fisheries,

Ndaro, S.G.M.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

6080 Needed: Program focused on dryland agriculture. dryland agriculture sweet sorghum pigeonpea chickpea

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

5632 Neem tree as ingredient for botanical insecticide. neem uses pesticide azadirachtin neem powder neem oil

De Guzman, Christian

serials agriculture magazine

4189 Neem tree has lots of potential. neem, herbs, Melia azadirach, medicinal plants, insecticide, serials agriculture

3633 Nematode faunas and their population dynamics in mulberry fields infected by root rot in Thailand Fruit crops, Morus nigra, Meloidogyne, Thailand,

Yukio Toida

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

7359 Nematode Problem in Root of Direct Sown Rice in Northeast Thailand. root gall, nematode, direct sown rice,

Anan Polthanee

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

8724 Nematode-filled capsules tested against corn rootworms. rootworm, nematode, Diabrotica virgifera,

Suszkiw, Jan

serials agriculture magazine

6101 Neo ornamental banana from Vietnam. banana Musa exotica

Valmayor, H.L.

serials agriculture magazine