List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
4088 New high-yielding cotton varieties introduced. cotton, Gossypium hirsutum, Gossypium barbadense, varieties, PSB-Ct8, PSB-Ct9, PSB-Ct10, NAVKAR 5, serials agriculture

9440 New hybrid corn for Mindanao high elevation. hybrid corn, glyphosate,

Nieves, Allan C.

serials agriculture magazine

7280 New hybrid corn for north Mindanao highlands. corn hybrid corn varieties P3645R glyphosate-tolerant hybrid corn yield

Nieves, Allan C.

serials agriculture magazine

7758 New hybrid corn variety for low elevation areas in Visayas, Mindanao. hybrid corn, bacterial stalk rot, income,

Nieves, Allan C.

serials agriculture magazine

8391 New hybrid corn variety making lot of farmers happy. hybrid corn, farmers, seedling,

Nieves, Allan C.

serials agriculture magazine

13439 New hybrid shallot is a potential money-maker shallot; onion; Maserati; yield; relay cropping

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

4705 New hybrid tomato varieties and saving vanishing plants. tomatoes, varieties, yams, endangered species, Dioscorea esculenta,

Pablico, S.M.

serials agriculture

6181 New hybrid vegetables, new money-makers. vegetables sweet pepper chili pepper cucumber sweet corn price

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

6144 New jackfruit variety, food products developed. jackfruit vacuum-fried jackfruit dehydrated jackfruit food technologies

Gerona, Zenaida D.

serials agriculture magazine

7251 New japonica rice spurs interest of Bohol farmers. rice tropical regions japonica rice PCARRD

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine