List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
6395 Ontology Development: A Case Study for Thai Rice. rice-production ontology knowledge management construction of ontology

Aree Thunkijjanukij; Asanee Kawtrakul; Supamard Panichsakpatana; Uamporn Veesommai

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

8049 Open-ended investigations in science: A case study of primary 6 pupils. pupils, science,

Chin, Christine

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

8778 Operation and management of the village development fund in Champasak province, Lao PDR. village development fund, Lao PDR,

Bounthom Sisoumang

serials the kasetsart journal

14431 Operational policy needs for organic agriculture expansion in the Philippines: Focus on vegetables organic agriculture; certification; labeling; vegetables; Philippines

Rola, Agnes C.; Pantoja, Blanquita R.; Chupungco, Agnes R.; Nguyen, Miriam R.; Reyes, Jaine C.; Madlangbayan, Guinevere T.; Umali, Macrina G.; Guiaya, Susan S.; Martinez, Eldy Z.; Badayos, Gerdino G.

serials the journal of public affairs and development

16219 Operationalizing the ecosystem approach to small-scale fisheries management in the Philippines: The Iligan Bay Alliance of Misamis Occidental rapid appraisal and participatory diagnosis; small-scale fisheries management; governance; Iligan Bay Alliance for Misamis Occidental

Garces, Len R.; Perez, Maripaz L.; Alolod, Angelito C.; Buendia, Idohna Leah J.; Callanta-Mariano, Leslie S.; Santos III, Lope B.; Ramirez, Paul Joseph B.; Pido, Michael D.

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

16588 Oplan balik sugpo: 5 tons of tiger chrimp harvested at SEAFDEC/AQD station in Iloilo black tiger shrimp; survival rate; harvest; yield

Ocampo, Junep

serials agriculture magazine

14511 Opportunities and challenges confronting high-value fruit farmers in Mindanao high-value fruits; farmers; durian; longkong; pomelo; cacao; marang; mangosteen; Davao

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

3942 Opportunities and challenges for a carbon market for the Philippine forestry sector. Carbon sequestration, Clean Development Mechanism, carbon market, land use change, forestry, Clean Air Act, Environmental Impact Statement system,

Calderon, Margaret M.

serials journal of environmental science and management

8665 Opportunities in growing coconut for sweet aromatic water and young tender nuts. coconut, copra,

Pamplona, Pablito P.

serials agriculture magazine

4669 Opportunities in ornamental horticulture. ornamental horticulture, business, market, seedlings, indigenous species,

Sarian, Z.B.

serials agriculture