List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
5509 Optimal swine performance Sans AGPS. antibiotic growth promoters, feed additives, swine, Bio-Mos, Bioplexes, Mycosorb, Allzyme Series, Acid-Pak, weaning, enzymes,

Sison, Jaime A.

serials agriculture magazine

7575 Optimization of biodiesel production from Jatropha oil (Jatropha curcas L.) using response surface methodology. Jatropha curcas, non-edible oil, transesterification, biodiesel, fatty acid methyl ester, oil,

Kanthawut Boonmee

serials the kasetsart journal

4785 Optimization of cellulase production with Penicillium nalgiovense SII grown on pretreated wheat pollard. cellulase production, pollard pretreatments, wheat, enzymes,

Tresnawati Purwadaria

serials biotropia: the southeast asian journal of tropical biology

6704 Optimization of chemical biochemical and physical treatments for baker's yeast lysis for yeast extract. baker's yeast lysis yeast extract yeast autolysate

Prasart Foo-trakul; Supot Boonraeng; Weerasit Kanlayakrit; Charan Chetanachitra

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

7556 Optimization of Jackfruit Sauce Formulations Using Response Surface Methodology. response surface methodology, jackfruit, optimization, sauce, mixture design,

Pitiporn Ritthiruangdej

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6410 Optimization of Medium Composition for L-phenylalanine Production from Glycerol using Response Surface Methodology. Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) glycerol L-phenylalanine fermentation response surface methodology (RSM)

Methee Khamduang; Jarun Chutmanop; Kanoktip Packdibamrung; Penjit Srinophakun

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

14608 Optimization of parameters in the production of turmeric powder using a hammer mill-type pulverizer hammer mill; box-behnken; surface response; methodology; powder processing; pulverizer; turmeric

De Ramos, Jose D.; Peralta, Engelbert K.; Yaptenco, Kevin F.; Suministrado, Delfin C.; Santiago, Marife R.

serials philippine journal of agricultural and biosystems engineering

15515 Optimization of pectin extraction from cacao pod husk optimization; pectin; cacao pod husk; hydrolysis; acids

Tuates Jr., Andres M.; Rudolfo, Rachel; Veneracion, Princess D.; Carriedo, Aileen G.; Ligisan, Aileen; Capariño, Ofero A.

serials asian journal of postharvest and mechanization

7353 Optimization of Pectinase Production on Solid Substrates by Rhizopus sp. 26R Capable of Raw Cassava Starch Hydrolysis. pectinase, rhizopus, raw starch, cassava,

Lerluck Chitradon

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

14485 Optimization of sowing time and seed rates can enhance wheat yield in semi-arid environment plant population; seed rate; sowing dates; wheat cultivar; yield associated traits

Basir, Abdul; Tahir, Adnan; Afridi, Kilwat; Fahad, Shah; Ahmad, Zahoor; Adnan, Muhammad; Alam, Mukhtar; Shah, Shaheen; Khan, Admad; Wahid, Fazli; Ibrahim, Muhammad; lnayat-ur-Rahman; Kha, Mushtaq Ahmad; Ali, Rehad

serials the philippine agricultural scientist