ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
15005 | Postharvest treatments and shipping conditions for reducing fruit drop in cut Sarcandra glabra branches | ethylene; export; reefer container; silver thiosulfate complex; sugar | Shimizu-Yumoto, Hiroko; Ujiie, Yumi; Ogawa, Takayuki |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
3562 | Postmortem changes in skeletal muscle connectin (titin) and its structure | Animal industry, meat texture, titin, | Ryoichi Tanabe |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
9168 | Potential analysis of hot spring power generation with Kalina cycle technology. | hot spring power generation Kalina cycle technology ammonia | Sun Faming |
serials | journal of policy science |
3771 | Potential botanical pesticides tested against carabao louse. | Nicotiana tabacum, Derris philippinensis, Tinosphora rumphi, Azadirachta indica, Haematopinus tuberculatus, tobacco, makabuhai, neem, tubli, | serials | agriculture |
5307 | Potential chemopreventive properties and varietal difference of dietary fiber from sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L.) root. | residues, starch industry, bifidobacteria, fiber component, water-holding capacity, oil-holding capacity, food, | Makoto Yoshimoto |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
7937 | Potential correlation of heavy metals in surface soils with infestation of Viscum album in poplar trees. | heavy metals, soil contamination, mistletoe, | Sharma, Prasesh |
serials | landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research |
8317 | Potential development and application of agri-biotechnology in the asian and pacific region. | agriculture biotechnology, sustainable agriculture, risk assessment, | Huang, Hung C. |
serials | fftc extension bulletin 630 |
8009 | Potential impacts of a Turkish EU-membership on agri-food markets. | turkey, agri-food markets, enlargement, PE-model, | Salamon, Petra |
serials | landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research |
8175 | Potential lessons for teaching in multilingual mathematics classrooms in Australia and Southeast Asia. | mathematics and language, multilingualism, teaching contexts, teaching, home background, learning, | Clarkson, Philip C. |
serials | journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia |
7598 | Potential lines and hybrids developed from modified reciprocal recurrent selection in maize. | modified reciprocal recurrent selection, inbred tester, testcross hybrids, lines, hybrids, | Sujin Jenweerawat |
serials | the kasetsart journal |