ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
6320 | Practices for proper rice crop establishment. | rice synchronous planting | Biag, Hanah Hazel Mavi M. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
12966 | Pratical Bukidnon couple cultivates inbred rice variety | open-pollinated varieties (OPV) fertilizer | Yap, Julio P., Jr. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
8103 | Pre-sevice primary teachers' understanding of 'matter and how in changes': A cross-cultural comparison. | teachers, cross-cultural, | Taylor, Neil |
serials | journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia |
5942 | Pre-tillage saves water for rainfed ricelands. | ricelands tillage | Abello, Melpha M. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
8143 | Pre-university students' errors in integration of rational functions and implications for classroom teaching. | calculus, integration, rational functions, students' errors, | Yee, Ng K. |
serials | journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia |
7283 | Precision agriculture for small-scale farmers. | precision agriculture fertilizer application computer-based decision tools mobile phones short message service interactive voice response information technology nutrient manager decision tools | Buresh, Roland J. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
3995 | Precision farming approaches to small-farm agriculture. | precision farming, rural development, soil sensing, information level, | Sakae Shibusawa |
serials | fftc technical bulletin 160 |
6771 | Precision of cane C.C.S. prediction using its components. | C.C.S. prediction sugarcane | Saroch Tanadul; Prasert Chatwachirawong |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
6883 | Predator ants of teak beehole borer, Xyleutes ceramicus walker (Lepidoptera: Cossidae). | teak ant biological control forest insect pest teak beehole borer | Decha Wiwatwitaya |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
7562 | Predicting phosphorus buffer coefficients of representative maize soil in Laos. | phosphorus buffer coefficient, soils, soil properties, maize, | Xaysatith Souliyavongsa |
serials | the kasetsart journal |