List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
8518 Problems in the small-hold banana sub-industry. banana, bugtok, sigatoka, serials agriculture magazine

4254 Problems in aquaculture and their solutions. aquaculture, ponds, fish cages, fish pens, fishkills, oxygen deficiency, temperature shock, salinity, tilapia, bangus,

Arada, M.F.

serials agriculture

3400 Problems in culturing Black Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) the semi-intensive way: an Indian experience

Rajagopal, S.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

4429 Problems of biosecurity in hog farms. biosecurity, sanitation, hog farms,

Landicho, E.F.

serials agriculture

8348 Proceedings of the International Conference on Econutrition: the Nexus among Human Nutrition, Ecology, Agriculture, and Economics. econutrition nutrition health food

Mariano, Recelyn B.

serials journal of human ecology

4097 Process makes swine wastewater environmentally friendly. swine wastewater, fertilizer, phosphorus, serials agriculture

8069 Process skills in science education. science education,

Segumpan, Reynaldo G.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

4209 Processes in breeding rice varieties made fast, easy. rice genome map, plant breeding, DNA markers, gene mapping, rice, Syngenta, DNA-based molecular markers, genetic improvement,

Zagado, R.G.

serials agriculture

7975 Processess to modify fatty acid methyl esters - survey on recent developments. biodiesel, blends, boiling behavior, metathesis,

Munack, Axel

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research

7277 Processing breadfruit. breadfruit fruit rimas flour biscuits vegetable sap gum candies

Andam, Carlos J.

serials agriculture magazine