ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
6823 | Production of monoclonal antibodies to flagellar core protein of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. | Vibrio parahaemolyticus flagellar core protein flagellar sheath monoclonal antibody | Ratchanee Hongprayoon |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
3905 | Production of monolaurin from coconut C12 fatty acid (Bench scale). | Coconut, fatty acid, monolaurin, | Viernes, C.H. |
serials | the philippine journal of coconut studies |
7882 | Production of organic fertilizer from solid waste and its utilization in intensive organic-based vegetable production and for sustaining soil health. | solid waste, organic fertilizer, plant nutrients, waste management, decomposition, substrate combination, | Dela Cruz, Nenita E. |
serials | fftc extension bulletin 587 |
8764 | Production of polyclonal antibodies specific to the recombinant coat protein of blackeye cowpea mosaic virus and its use in disease detection. | blackeye cowpea mosaic virus, protein, cowpea, polymerase chain reaction, | Maneerat Koohapitagtam |
serials | the kasetsart journal |
7481 | Production of Protein Fortified Rice Noodles from Glandless Cottonseed Flour. | small strip rice noodle, glandless cottonseed flour, protein fortification, | Plernchai Tangkanakul |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
3167 | Production of Salt Tolerant Ruzi Grass (Brachiaria ruziziensis) by Tissue Culture. | Ruzi grass AFLP multiple shoot gamma irradiation salt tolerance | Pradit Pongtongkam; Surin Peyachoknagul; Dirida Manawiboon; Jantakarn Arananant; Amara Thongpan; Sayan Tudsri |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
6445 | Production of Seasoning "Mirin" from Thai Rice by Fermentation. | amylase mirin rice seasoning solid state fermentation | Werasit Kanlayakrit; Metinee Maweang |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
3582 | Production of Shochu spirit from crushed rice by non-cooking fermentation | food, aroma components, economic aspects, flavor components, | Kenryo Nishimura |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
4978 | Production performance of weanling pigs fed ration with different levels of coconut oil with varying levels of fat emulsifier. | Coconut oil : Animal feeding, fat emulsifier, pigs, | Miranda, Samuel C. |
serials | cmu journal of science |
3401 | Production planning aids for a modular pond system | Omojola, V.A. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |