ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
4915 | Proper packaging prolongs shelf-life of mudcrab. | Handling : Postharvest technology, mudcrabs, styropor box, mortality rate, crabmeat quality, | serials | agriculture |
4261 | Proper post-harvest method improves seaweed prices. | seaweeds, solar dryers, | serials | agriculture |
5706 | Proper spacing requirements for forest trees. | forest trees spacing soil erosion agroforestry commercial forestry | Emnas, Joseph |
serials | the philippine agriculture magazine |
3591 | Properties and distribution patterns of red-yellow and related soils in the Philippines | Soil classification, Soils, Fertilizers, | Hamazaki, T. |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
6809 | Properties and landscape relationship of skeletal soils in upper northeast, Thailand. | skeletal soils lateritic gravels plinthite layer erosional terrace northeast Thailand | Irb Kheoruenromne; Anchalee Suddhiprakarn; Attasit Wongmaneeroj |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
3655 | Properties comparison of asphalt cement and multigrade asphalt in asphalt concrete. | asphalt, | Kosintra Jetiyanonta |
serials | the kasetsart journal |
6613 | Properties enhancement of short-glass-fiber reinforced thermoplastics by sandwich injection molding technique. | sandwich injection molding fiber orientation fiber length distribution short-glass-fiber mechanical properties | Somjate Patcharaphun; Gunter Mennig |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
8840 | Properties of floury rice mutant and its utilization for rice flour. | rice flour, mutant, rice bread, loaf volume, starch, | Kanae Ashida |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
3968 | Properties of gypsum-bonded boards from ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephala (lam.) de Wit.) using commercial gypsum and phosphogypsum as binders. | gypsum-bonded board, gypsum, phosphogypsum, wood ratio, binders, | Mari, E.L. |
serials | fprdi journal |
6438 | Properties of Pullulanase Debranched Cassava Starch and Type-III Resistant Starch. | cassava starch type-III resistant starch pullulanase in vitro starch digestibility structural properties | Nednapis Vatanasuchart; Patcharee Tungtrakul; Karuna Wongkrajang; Onanong Naivikul |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |