List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
4915 Proper packaging prolongs shelf-life of mudcrab. Handling : Postharvest technology, mudcrabs, styropor box, mortality rate, crabmeat quality, serials agriculture

4261 Proper post-harvest method improves seaweed prices. seaweeds, solar dryers, serials agriculture

5706 Proper spacing requirements for forest trees. forest trees spacing soil erosion agroforestry commercial forestry

Emnas, Joseph

serials the philippine agriculture magazine

3591 Properties and distribution patterns of red-yellow and related soils in the Philippines Soil classification, Soils, Fertilizers,

Hamazaki, T.

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

6809 Properties and landscape relationship of skeletal soils in upper northeast, Thailand. skeletal soils lateritic gravels plinthite layer erosional terrace northeast Thailand

Irb Kheoruenromne; Anchalee Suddhiprakarn; Attasit Wongmaneeroj

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

3655 Properties comparison of asphalt cement and multigrade asphalt in asphalt concrete. asphalt,

Kosintra Jetiyanonta

serials the kasetsart journal

6613 Properties enhancement of short-glass-fiber reinforced thermoplastics by sandwich injection molding technique. sandwich injection molding fiber orientation fiber length distribution short-glass-fiber mechanical properties

Somjate Patcharaphun; Gunter Mennig

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

8840 Properties of floury rice mutant and its utilization for rice flour. rice flour, mutant, rice bread, loaf volume, starch,

Kanae Ashida

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

3968 Properties of gypsum-bonded boards from ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephala (lam.) de Wit.) using commercial gypsum and phosphogypsum as binders. gypsum-bonded board, gypsum, phosphogypsum, wood ratio, binders,

Mari, E.L.

serials fprdi journal

6438 Properties of Pullulanase Debranched Cassava Starch and Type-III Resistant Starch. cassava starch type-III resistant starch pullulanase in vitro starch digestibility structural properties

Nednapis Vatanasuchart; Patcharee Tungtrakul; Karuna Wongkrajang; Onanong Naivikul

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science