ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
6474 | Protoplast Isolation and Culture of Dendrobium Sonia "Bom 17". | protoplasts isolation culture Dendrobium microcolony | Yuphin Khentry; Ampaiwan Paradornuvat; Sureeya Tantiwiwat; Salak Phansiri; Niphone Thaveechai |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
6969 | Protoplasts isolation from cell culture of soybean (Glycine max L.). | soybean protoplast | Phongyuth Nualbunruang; Wanchai De-Eknamkul; Sanha Panichajakul |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
5531 | Protozoa bolsters bacterial virulence inside animals. | protozoa Salmonella rumen defaunation bacteria | serials | agriculture magazine |
8415 | Prov'l agriculturist makes good bignay wine. | bignay, wine, | Rodriguez, Tony A. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
8313 | Prsent situation and future perspective of biofertilizer for environmentally-friendly agriculture. | biofertilizer, arbuscular-mycorrhizal fungi, phosphate solubilizing bacteria, rhizobium, environmentally-friendly, | Wang, Chun L. |
serials | fftc extension bulletin 634 |
3723 | Prudent use of antibiotics in aquaculture. | drug residues, antibiotics, | Sison, Jaime Abella |
serials | agriculture |
4706 | Prune and bag mangoes for higher yield, quality and income, less chemicals. | mangoes, bagging, pruning, income, fruits, fruit trees, | Pablico, S.M. |
serials | agriculture |
5807 | Prune your snap beans for a second round of harvests. | snap beans pruning | Guimpatan, Josephine A. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
9250 | Public - private partnership secures long-term supply of plant-based malaria treatment. | Artemisia annua, sweet wormwood, antimalarial drug, | serials | agriculture magazine |
7886 | Public and private partnerships in area-wide fruit fly pest management for the benefit of farmers: the Hawaii experience. | area-wide approach, integrated pest management, suppression, public and private partnership, | Mau, Ronald F.L. |
serials | fftc extension bulletin 583 |