ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
6547 | Properties of spray-dried rice starch microcapsule. | rice starch glutinous rice starch microcapsules rice starch aggregates | Vipa Surojanametakul; Patcharee Tungtrakul; Warunee Varannanond; Rasamee Supasri; Smittra Boonbumroung; Kitsana Themtakul |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
5250 | Properties of titanium nitride film coated on stainless steel 304. | titanum nitride, reactive magnetron sputtering, Nano Indentor, | Udomkan, N. |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
6725 | Properties, environment and fertility capability of sandy soils in northeast plateau, Thailand. | sandy soils northeast plateau fertility capability sandy entisols sandy alfisols ultisols | Irb Kheoruenromne; Anchalee Suddhiprakarn; Piboon Kanghae |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
16216 | Prospects and dilemmas of institutional networking: Case of the Southeast Asian Network for Agroforestry Education (SEANAFE) | agroforestry education; networking; SEANAFE | Fernandez, Jesus C.; Landicho, Leila D. |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
7293 | Prospects for organic aquaculture in Asia. | organic aquaculture natural medicines environmental impact INFOFISH Common Fund for Commodities FAO | Abello, Melpha M. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
3773 | Prospects of freshwater clam farming. | clams, Corbicula manillensis, | Guerrero, Rafael D. III |
serials | agriculture |
5119 | Prospects of quality-assured lumber for construction applications in the Philippines | stress-graded lumber, construction, timber, lumber, | Soriano, Florence P. |
serials | fprdi journal |
4966 | Protected areas training needs : Lessons from the Philippines. | Lessons from the Philippines. | Training needs, protected areas, training, training facilities, | Rogers, Patrick M. |
serials | asean biodiversity |
4199 | Protecting liver function against aflatoxicosis. | liver, mycotoxin binder, feeds, aflatoxins, liver cancer, | Sison, J.A. |
serials | agriculture |
14138 | Protecting onion and garlic from infestation through smart ICT applications | onion; garlic; information and communication tools; disease surveillance; leaf miner infestation; map series; CLSU; DOST; PCAARRD; DA | Domingo, Ofelia F. |
serials | agriculture magazine |