List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
4278 Promising vegetable lines offer more choices for lowland farmers. progeny, cabbage, cauliflower, ampalaya, vegetables, income,

Pablico, S.M.

serials agriculture

6159 Promoting Arabica coffee for the Cordillera. coffee Arabica coffee price Mt. Province

Domoguen, Robert L.

serials agriculture magazine

6017 Promoting chickpea as an alternative high-value crop. chickpea Cicer arietinum legumes garbanzos import

Domoguen, Robert L.

serials agriculture magazine

14225 Promoting community-based resources management: A case study in Nam Oon Dam, Sakon Nakhon Province, Thailand community-based resource management

Suasi, Thanyalak; Ruangsivakul, Sumitra; Sornkliang, Jariya; Tiaye, Rattana

serials fish for the people

7732 Promoting pangasius culture in Zamboanga Peninsula. fishes, pangasius, price, industry clustering, marketing, sardines,

Reroma, Rey

serials agriculture magazine

14219 Promoting responsible aquaculture for the sustainable production of soft-shell crabs mangrove crab species; soft-shell crabs; aquaculture; crab production

Aquino, Jon Irish L.

serials fish for the people

15396 Promoting student learning in the digital era with TBMTs cabri; mathematics; ICT; digital era; middle school students

Laksmiwati, P. A.; Hidayah, M.

serials journal of southeast asian education

8445 Promoting the high productivity and profitability of rubber farming. rubber, latex,

Pamplona, Pablito P.

serials agriculture magazine

4082 Promoting the local herbal industry. herbal products,

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture

8556 Promoting the nutritional benefits of quality protein corn. corn, protein, iron, serials agriculture magazine