List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13435 Quality seeds plus hard work for success seeds; rice farming; Minus-One Element Technique; rice straw

Frediles, Christina

serials agriculture magazine

3592 Quantification of effect of temperature and air-drying treatment in paddy soils on mineralization of soil organic nitrogen Paddy soils, Organic matter,

Shigeru Takahashi

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

7964 Quantification of public goods provided by agriculture. public goods provided, by-product, willingness to pay, open landscape, environmental regulation cost,

Plankl, Reiner

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research

3405 Quantifying gregarine infestation of Penaeus vannamei on a commercial shrimp farm and some attempts at treatment

Miller, D.J.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

4747 Quantitative analysis of groundwater effluent and reservoir-water influent in a small pond using 222Rn- and water-balance equations. agricultural engineering, stagnant film, reservoir-water influent, groundwater effluent,

Hiromasa Hamada

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

14031 Quantitative differentiation of color morphology in the colonial coral Montipora capitata Montipora capitata; coral; color morphs; stress; light

Hobbs, Caroline; Conetta, Dennis; Caruso, Carlo; Rocha de Souza, Mariana; Gates, Ruth

serials tropical resources

6621 Quantitative risk assessment of salmonella spp. in fermented pork sausage (nham). QMRA risk assessment salmonella spp. fermented pork sausage nham

Sukhuntha Osiriphun; Adisak Pongpoolponsak; Kooranee Tuitemwong

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

5234 Quantity and distribution of plant nutrients on eutrophication in Bang Pra reservoir, Chonburi Province. eutrophication, plant nutrients, phytoplankton, reservoir, Thailand,

Chaichana, R.

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

4263 QuEChERS method catches pesticide residues. pesticide residues, dispersive solid-phase extraction, serials agriculture

13499 Queen pineapple wastes: Available feed supplement for native chickens pineapple; feed supplements; native chickens; queen pineapple bran

Domingo, Ofelia F.

serials agriculture magazine