List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
4597 Reforestation species: Pigeon pea, malabalatong, and neem. tree species, Cajanus cajan, Flemingia macrophylla, Azadirachta indica, botanical description, distribution, site requirements, propagation, seed technology, plantation establishment, pests of plants, plant diseases, serials rise: research information series on ecosystems

5426 Reforesting with Gmelina can be profitable. reforestation, Gmelina, trees,

Emmas, J.

serials the philippine agriculture magazine

5457 Refurbishing Naguilian's basi industry. Basi, sugarcane, vinegar, beverages, wine, local government unit, Ilocos, industry,

Pablico, S.M.

serials the philippine agriculture magazine

4083 Regaining the glory of the country's sugar industry. sugar industry,

Argana, R.R.

serials agriculture

4479 Regeneration of healthy banana plantlets from banana bunchy top virus-infected tissues cultured at high temperatures. banana, plantlets, banana bunchy top virus, tissue culture, heat treatment, banana mosaic virus, micropropagation, monoclonal antibodies,

Wu, R.Y.

serials fftc technical bulletin 163

14071 Regenerative farming: The secret is in the soil farming; soil; regenerative agriculture; England

Aberasturi, Paula Zayco

serials agriculture magazine

8172 Regional cooperation towards effective curricular reforms: The Seameo mission in capacity building and innovations for the 21st century. cognitive, problem-solving,

Khun, Tan

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

7707 Regional development dynamics and decentralization in the Philippines: Ten lessons from a "Fast Starter". decentralization, regional development, poverty, infrastructure, regional dynamics, local governance,

Balisacan, Arsenio M.

serials asean economic bulletin

7992 Regional distribution of state financial aids for the agricultural sector - Are the winners the rural areas?. financial assistance, financial aids, promotion intensity, agricultural,

Planki, Reiner

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research

9181 Regional impacts of long-term climate change on rice production and agricultural income: Evidence from computable general equilibrium analysis. agricultural economics, crop-growth model, crop-quality model, productivity,

Yoji Kunimitsu

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)