List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
8584 Researchers improve storing techniques for tomato. tomato,

Andres, Reynaldo E.

serials agriculture magazine

7153 Researchers introduce practical way of storing fresh tomato. tomatoes storage Evaporative Cooling and MAP Technology coco coir dust polyethylene plastic packaging

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

9076 Researchers reverse antibiotics resistance in superbugs. antibiotics, bacterial evolution, virus,

Sison, Jaime Abella

serials agriculture magazine

9296 Researchers work on lowering greenhouse gas emissions from poultry houses. aluminum sulphate, poultry litter treatment, ammonia, carbon dioxide reduction, global warming, climate change,

Sison, Jaime Abella

serials agriculture magazine

4182 Researchers work to rid catfish of off-flavors. fish, catfish, flavor compounds, geosmin, blue-green algae, serials agriculture

13910 Researches develop low-salt mussel sauce mussel; sauce; UPV; PCAARRD serials agriculture magazine

3416 Reservoir fisheries of Orissa state, Southeastern India

Misra, S.K.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

16113 Reshaping agricultural research and development in higher education institutions in a time of pandemic in Southeast Asia higher education; pandemic; agriculture

Gregorio, Glenn B.; Ancog, Rico C.

serials searca policy brief series 2020-2

9388 Reshaping Mindanao's cattle industry. cattle, Mindanao Cattle Research and Development Project, genetic improvement, Hereford bulls,

Provido, Noel T.

serials agriculture magazine

3417 Resharpening Ockham's Razor

Pauly, D.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly