ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
12984 | Sugarcane industry targets raising productivity by 27% to 75 mt per hectare using Australian-inspired irrigation technology | sugar sugar industry SEARCA Water Resources Management Center (WRMC) WRMC project automatic weather station (AWS) Smart Water Management Strategies (SWMS) irrigation system Optimum Irrigation Scheduling Systems of Sugarcane sub-surface driplines furrow irrigation industry roadmap Australian industry irrigation methods | serials | agriculture magazine |
5697 | Sugarcane plantlets: Big things in small packages. | sugarcane micropropagation | serials | the philippine agriculture magazine |
3965 | Suitability of mangium (Acacia mangium) for solid and laminated bentworks. | Acacia mangium, wood bending, | Natividad, R.A. |
serials | fprdi journal |
7938 | Suitability of soil electrical conductivity as an indicator of soil nitrate status in relation to vegetable cultivation practices in the yangtze rive. | good agricultural practice, foil tunnel, geo-electric sensor, nutrient management, secondary salinization, | Shi, Yi C. |
serials | landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research |
6698 | Suitability of using herbs as functional ingredients in Thai commercial snacks. | Thai commercial snacks Thai herbs New Zealand herbs | Wiwat Wangcharoen; Tipvanna Ngarmsak; Brian H. Wilkinson |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
13953 | Suitability trial for sorghum established in Capiz | sorghum; DA | serials | agriculture magazine |
16592 | Sultan Kudarat's coffee revolution | coffee; coffee industry; infrastructure; farmers; Sultan Kudarat; Mindanao | Ocampo, Junep |
serials | agriculture magazine |
14058 | Sulu princess uses coffee as an instrument of peace | coffee production; cooperatives; Sulu | Tan, Yvette |
serials | agriculture magazine |
3450 | Sumilon Island Marine Reserve: 20 years of hopes and frustrations | Russ, G.R. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
15937 | Summer habitat and fishing ground of Ommastrephes bartramii related with the north pacific subarctic frontal zone using long-term field research data | habitat model; neon flying squid; SAFZ; squid jigging | Kato, Yoshiki; Shitamitsu, Toshiaki; Okazaki, Makoto; Yamashita, Hideyuki |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |