List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3449 Strategy on international fisheries research: an update serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

6258 Straw compost cuts fertilizer cost. fertilizers rice straw composting

Maloles, Jennylene S.

serials agriculture magazine

6991 Strawberry farmers in Benguet assured of clean planting materials. strawberry tissue culture yield

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

5120 Strength and related properties of kamatog [Sympetalandra densiflora (Elmer) v. Steen] and kaatoan bangkal [Anthocephalus chinensis kamatog, kaatoan bangkal, strength properties, mechanical properties,

Alipon, Marina A.

serials fprdi journal

6642 Strength development of soft marine clay stabilized with cement and fly ash. soil improvement clay cement fly ash x-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) calcium silicate hydrate (CSH)

Supakij Nontananandh; Sanupong Boonyong; Thakol Yoobanpot; Korchoke Chantawarangul

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

15966 Strengthening multi-stakeholder engagement to accelerate social forestry development social forestry; Indonesia serials learning notes asrf series 2017-2

8541 Strengthening national efforts to control banana bunchy top disease. banana, bunchy top disease, lakatan, cavendish, serials agriculture magazine

14223 Strengthening regional cooperation to support the implementation of port state measures in Southeast Asia port state measures; Southeast Asia

Saraphaivanich, Kongpathai; Suthipol, Yanida; Imsamrarn, Namfon

serials fish for the people

16214 Strengthening social capital for agricultural development: Lessons from Guama, Bali, Indonesia social capital; agribusiness; cooperative; participatory; Subak

Sedana, Gede; Ambarawati, I Gusti Agung Ayu; Windia, Wayan

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

16029 Strengthening the capability of Malaysia's small-scale fishermen to adapt to climate change impacts small scale fisher; climate change; Malaysia

Samah, Asnarulkhadi Abu; Shaffril, Hayrol Azril Mohamed; D'Silva, Jeffrey Lawrence

serials searca agriculture and development notes 2022 11-2