List of Serials : 8421

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
5969 Spitfire: Guaranteed cash-crop eggplant. eggplant varieties pest and disease resistant serials agriculture magazine

14643 Spore production and growth rate of ten azolla hybrids azolla; biofertilizer; rice cropping pattern; azolla spore; azolla spore technology

Mondejar, Cielo Luz C.; San Valentin, Genaro O.

serials rice-based biosystems journal

5066 Spotted Sea Horse (Hippocampus kuda). seahorses,

Reyes, C.

serials asean biodiversity

8410 Sprouts: Health-boosting, quick, and easy-to-grow veggies. sprouts, legumes, herbs,

Rodriguez, Tony A.

serials agriculture magazine

4268 Spud hub: Tests potatoes' fitness for market. potatoes, reflectometer, french fries, storage processing, postharvest physiology, sprouting, tubers, serials agriculture

5820 Squash as a favorite money crop. squash vegetables hybrid seeds profit

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

6202 Squash is a winner in Northern Mindanao. Squash hybrid income

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

7311 Squash leaf curl virus. squash squash leaf curl plant diseases serials agriculture magazine

6088 Squash, other crops to enrich bakery goods. Squash bakery products puree flour cassava flour banana flour coconut flour FNRI DOST ITDI

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

6313 Squash-enriched hot pan de sal. Squash bread serials agriculture magazine