List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
4970 Starting from scratch : Training for protected area management in Lao PDR. Training for protected area management in Lao PDR. Training, protected area,

Berkmuller, Klaus

serials asean biodiversity

14732 Starting small, yet going big time with tuyo tuyo; dried herring; products; gourmet tuyo

Lacson, Sahlie P.

serials agriculture magazine

6146 Starting them young in organic farming. vegetable gardening schools Quezon Lucena City

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

9053 State governance of pesticide use and trade in Vietnam. pesticide, retailer, farmer, market,

Pham Van Hoi

serials njas-wageningen journal of life and sciences

7179 State University develops dragon fruit products. dragon fruit fruits puree jelly juice jam cider vinegar wine soaps Cavite State University

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

16156 Statistical modeling of crop-weather relationship in India: A survey on evolutionary trend of methodologies crop yield; supply response; forecasting; modeling; weather

Paltasingh, Kirtti Ranjan; Goyari, Phanindra

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

3447 Status and conservation of reeves shad resources in China Tenualosa reevesii, anadromous species, aquaculture, induced breeding, population dynamics,

Wang Hanping

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

8306 Status and management of invasive species in Taiwan. taiwan, invasive alien species, management and regulation, prevention, quarantine, monitoring, risk assessment,

Yeh, Ying

serials fftc extension bulletin 562

6551 Status of B, Cu, Fe, Mo and Zn of soils of Ethiopia for maize production: greenhouse assessment. iron molybdenum copper zinc boron greenhouse assessment maize

Teklu Baissa; Amnat Suwanarit; Yongyuth Osotsapar; Ed Sarobol

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

8234 Status of biotechnology in Africa: Challenges and opportunities. Afirca, biotechnology, biosafety,

Makinde, Diran

serials asian biotechnology and development review