ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
15909 | Teacher education in the Philippines: Are we meeting the demand for quantity and quality? | teacher education; licensure examination for teachers; teacher quality; teacher education institutions; higher education; education quality | Generalao, Ian Nicole; Ducanes, Geoffrey; Yee, Karol Mark; David, Clarissa C. |
serials | philippine journal of public policy (pjpp) |
15191 | Teacher resilience in science learning during the pandemic | pandemic; resilience; science learning | Indrawati; Elly Herliani; Haidar Muhammad Helmi; Septian Karyana |
serials | journal of southeast asian education |
15402 | Teachers' process skills in science: Inputs to training module development and evaluation | science process skills; teachers; training program; active learning | Adarayan, E.D. Jr.; Culaba, I.B.; Maquiling, J.T. |
serials | journal of southeast asian education |
8137 | Teaching primary science in rural and regional Australia: Some challenges facing practicing and pre-service teachers. | regional, rural, science, resources, pedagogical, | Laidlaw, Kristy R. |
serials | journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia |
8788 | Teaching problem solving in secondary school mathematics classrooms. | problem solving, Polya's model, | Toh Tin Lam |
serials | journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia |
8077 | Teaching science topics at the primary level: Beliefs and practice. | science topics, beliefs, practice, | May, Cheng May H. |
serials | journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia |
4960 | Teak (Tectona grandis Linn. f.). | serials | asean biodiversity |
9384 | Technical aid in agriculture to be extended by Southeast Asian think tank to DA, to expand programs on carabao dairy, good agri practices. | Good Agricultural Practices, SEARCA, research programs, | serials | agriculture magazine |
16185 | Technical efficiency analysis of small-scale cassava farming in Lao PDR | cassava farming; economies of scale; technical efficiency; Savannakhet; Vientiane; Lao PDR | Soukkhamthat, Thanongsai; Wong, Grace Y. |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
16136 | Technical efficiency and social capital in tilapia aquaculture production in Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines | social capital; social network; stochastic frontier; technical efficiency; tilapia | Jandoc, Aljanet M. |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |