List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9398 Techno-demo farm inspires farmers in Laguna. technology demonstration, Laguna Vegetable Industry Livelihood, modern farming methods,

Yap, Julio P., Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

13465 Techno-forestry initiative benefits remote villagers techno-forestry; solar facility; water collection

Yap, Julio P. Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

5546 Technoguide for aromatic rice production. rice aromatic rice climatic requirement sowing time seedlings wetbed method land preparation transplanting fertilizer application weed control insect pest control disease control golden apple snail control water management harvesting postharvest storage herbicides insecticides fungicide

Dela Cruz, Q.D.

serials agriculture magazine

5614 Technoguide for grafted tomato for off-season production. tomato production grafting off-season production grafting chamber seedlings transplanting rainshelter mulching pruning trellising irrigation fertilizer application pest management disease management harvesting profit

Aganon, C.P.; Aganon, T.M.; Pagaduan, R.V.; Roxas, A.C.; Marzan, E.G.; Patricio, M.G.

serials agriculture magazine

5455 Technoguide for growing squash in the Philippines. squash, varieties, planting date, space requirement, fertilizer application, plant diseases, crop rotation, tillage, biological control, chemical control, bactericides, fungicides, nematicides, fumigants, insect pests, weed control, harvesting, postharvest, nutritional value, serials the philippine agriculture magazine

5831 Technoguide for sunflower production for biofuel. sunflower site selection land preparation system of planting fertilizer application irrigation harvesting threshing storage cost and return analysis

Agustin, Mario B.; Dela Cruz, Quirino D.; Aganon, Teotimo M.

serials agriculture magazine

16280 Technological and institutional changes in the Indonesian rice sector: From intensification to sustainable revitalization institutional change; technological change; rice; Indonesia

Mariyono, Joko

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

13482 Technologies can boost bamboo and goat production bamboo; goat production; productivity; PCAARRD

Yap, Julio P. Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

7177 Technologies for profitable tobacco production. tobacco production topped tobacco early planting

Tacadena, Mancielito

serials agriculture magazine

8294 Technologies to increase upland rice yield. upland rice, broadcast method, fertilizer application, weed control, PhilRice,

Solsoloy, Ma. Adrielle

serials agriculture magazine