List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
16198 The ASEAN Economic Community 2015 and regional trade: Some prospects for ASEAN agriculture ASEAN Economic Community; regional integration; agriculture; ASEAN trade

Daite, Richard B.

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

8812 The ASEAN economic community blueprint: Implementation and effectiveness assessment for Philippine agriculture. ASEAN economic community community blueprint Philippine agriculture

Briones, Roehlano M.; Israel, Danilo C.

serials philippine journal of development

5052 The ASEAN: Together towards sustainable development. sustainable development ASEAN Free Trade Area ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services ASEAN Investment Area ASEAN Industrial Cooperation social development poverty health natural resources environment freshwater ecosystems coastal ecosystems marine ecosystems World Summit serials asean biodiversity

5804 The B vitamins in animal health (Part 1: Thiamin). B vitamins thiamin toxicity fats

Landicho, Elito Ferry

serials agriculture magazine

5853 The B vitamins in animal health (Part 4: Vitamin B12). vitamin B12 cyanocobalamin sugar ribose co-enzyme

Landicho, Elito Ferry

serials agriculture magazine

5843 The B vitamins in animal health, Part 3: Vitamin B6 and pantothenic acid. vitamins vitamin B pantothenic acid gamma-aminobutyric acid histamine transaminases

Landicho, Elito Ferry

serials agriculture magazine

5818 The B vitamins in animal health. niacin riboflavin biotin

Landicho, Elito Ferry

serials agriculture magazine

5384 The Bali and Danang coastal strategy declarations: A stakeholder response for a common vision and future. coastal strategy protection conservation Indonesia Vietnam serials tropical coasts

14246 The bamboo lady of Los Banos bamboo; species; bamboo shoot; Merdelyn Lit

Guerrero III, Rafael D.

serials agriculture magazine

8977 The Bangkong Kahoy Valley mushroom industry. mushroom livelihood Bangkong Kahoy Valley serials agriculture magazine