ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
6072 | The early bird advantage. | corn early planting drought | Nieves, Allan C. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
4179 | The earthworms of the Ifugao rice terraces. | earthworms, pests, | Guerrero, R.D. III |
serials | agriculture |
16310 | The ecological and economic aspects of the multifunctional role of agroecosystems | agroecosystems; multifunctional agriculture | Sajise, Percy E.; Sajise, Asa Jose U. |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
4954 | The ecology of forest fires. | Forest fires, El niño, biodiversity, | Dawson, Terence P. |
serials | asean biodiversity |
8613 | The economic transformation of a Muslim community through oil palm farming. | palm oil, Muslim community, | Pamplona, Pablito P. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
7708 | The economy-wide impact of integrated pest management in Indonesia. | integrated pest management, development economics, agricultural economics, environmental economics, sensitivity analysis, | Resosudarmo, Budy P. |
serials | asean economic bulletin |
3356 | The ecosystem of the Broa Reservoir, Sao Paolo State, Brazil, as described using ECOPATH | Angelini, R. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
4813 | The effect of character education program on the value perspective of the students of Sun Moon University in Korea. | education, character education, moral virtues, ethical values, | Han Heung Juan |
serials | araneta research journal |
3935 | The effect of coconut water growth hormones (CWGH) on the growth, development, and yield of sweet pepper (Capsicum annum L.). | Coconut, coconut water, growth hormone, sweet pepper, growth, yield, cytokinin, | Mamaril, J.C. |
serials | the philippine journal of coconut studies |
7540 | The Effect of Cross-Immunity in a Multi-Strain Epidemic Model. | multi-strain SIR model, cross-immunity, stability, | Pornpan Theprungsimankul |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |