ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
14437 | The English proficiency of selected University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB) Freshmen SY 2010-2011 (toward a proposed enhancement of the large-class system in teaching English) | English proficiency; large-class mode; small-class mode; assessment; functional syllabus; interactive language teaching | Butial-Recillo, Maria Luisa |
serials | up los banos journal |
4762 | The environmental risk assessment (ERA) model : Its validity in assessing the impacts of vehicular pollution on human health in Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. | environmental risk assessment ecological stress environmental response air quality Philippines | Magallanes, J.M. |
serials | cmu journal of science |
7313 | The Estimation of the Economic Protein Requirement of Hybrid Clarias Catfish. | hybrid clarias catfish economic protein requirement | Wimol Jantrarotai |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
7728 | The EU and ASEAN learning from the failed EU-Mercosur FTA negotiations. | European Union Mercosur free trade agreements | Robles, Alfredo C. Jr. |
serials | asean economic bulletin |
3802 | The European social model: Lessons for developing countries. | social policies income job security insurance health care pensions | Lindbeck, Assar |
serials | asian development review |
13597 | The evolution of Indonesian waste banks: Two tales, two cities, one reality | waste banks | Geldin, Sam |
serials | tropical resources |
6204 | The exotic marang of Mindanao and its recipes. | marang Artocarpus odoratissimus fruits plant propagation recipes marmalade jelly juice flour paste jam | Hayudini, Alicia Tangonan |
serials | agriculture magazine |
3672 | The expansion of inland shrimp farming and its environmental impacts in Songkla Lake Basin. | shrimp farming environmental impacts land use zoning plan soil resources water resources | Charlchai Tanavud; Chao Yongchalermchai; Abdollah Bennui; Omthip Densrisereekul |
serials | the kasetsart journal |
13369 | The facts: Addressing the campaign to stop the planting of oil palm trees in the Philippines | oil palm; climate change; soil erosion; diversified farming | Pamplona, Pablito P. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
6201 | The farmers' blacksmith. | blacksmith livelihood | Locara, Lorenzo P. |
serials | agriculture magazine |