List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
14437 The English proficiency of selected University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB) Freshmen SY 2010-2011 (toward a proposed enhancement of the large-class system in teaching English) English proficiency; large-class mode; small-class mode; assessment; functional syllabus; interactive language teaching

Butial-Recillo, Maria Luisa

serials up los banos journal

4762 The environmental risk assessment (ERA) model : Its validity in assessing the impacts of vehicular pollution on human health in Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. environmental risk assessment ecological stress environmental response air quality Philippines

Magallanes, J.M.

serials cmu journal of science

7313 The Estimation of the Economic Protein Requirement of Hybrid Clarias Catfish. hybrid clarias catfish economic protein requirement

Wimol Jantrarotai

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

7728 The EU and ASEAN learning from the failed EU-Mercosur FTA negotiations. European Union Mercosur free trade agreements

Robles, Alfredo C. Jr.

serials asean economic bulletin

3802 The European social model: Lessons for developing countries. social policies income job security insurance health care pensions

Lindbeck, Assar

serials asian development review

13597 The evolution of Indonesian waste banks: Two tales, two cities, one reality waste banks

Geldin, Sam

serials tropical resources

6204 The exotic marang of Mindanao and its recipes. marang Artocarpus odoratissimus fruits plant propagation recipes marmalade jelly juice flour paste jam

Hayudini, Alicia Tangonan

serials agriculture magazine

3672 The expansion of inland shrimp farming and its environmental impacts in Songkla Lake Basin. shrimp farming environmental impacts land use zoning plan soil resources water resources

Charlchai Tanavud; Chao Yongchalermchai; Abdollah Bennui; Omthip Densrisereekul

serials the kasetsart journal

13369 The facts: Addressing the campaign to stop the planting of oil palm trees in the Philippines oil palm; climate change; soil erosion; diversified farming

Pamplona, Pablito P.

serials agriculture magazine

6201 The farmers' blacksmith. blacksmith livelihood

Locara, Lorenzo P.

serials agriculture magazine