ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
9367 | The future is in high-value cooperative farming. | honeydew, Jade Lady honeydew, | Barcelona, Julius |
serials | agriculture magazine |
16583 | The future of Laguna de Bay | lake; siltation; water hyacinths; solar farm; community involvement; LLDA; Laguna de Bay | Ocampo, Junep |
serials | agriculture magazine |
8901 | The future of oil palm as a major global crop: Opportunities and challenges. | oil palm, oil yield, genomics, breeding, | Murphy, Dennis J. |
serials | journal of oil palm research |
4804 | The GCRMN - Coordinating coral reef monitoring efforts for effective management. | coral reefs, monitoring, network, | Tun, K. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
3288 | The genetic improvement of farmed tilapias (GIFT) project: The story so far | Pullin, R.S.V. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
13340 | The gift of growing | seeds; GrowKit | Arevalo, Arielina P. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
5103 | The global amphibian campaign. | amphibians, animals, Conservation International, Fauna and Flora International, Species Survival Commission, inventory, research projects, capacity building, public awareness, | serials | sylvatrop: the technical journal of philippine ecosystems and natural resources |
13349 | The global hunger index: Where is the Philippines? | hunger index; poverty; undernourishment; child mortality; child wasting; child stunting; ASEAN; Philippines | Dy, Rolando T. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
7247 | The Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases to combat climate change. | climate change greenhouse gas emission climate change mitigation research USDA mycotoxins livertonic | Sison, Jaime Abella |
serials | agriculture magazine |
5650 | The goat craze is on. | goats breeds milk meat price profit enterprises | Sarian, Zac B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |