List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3989 The meat inspection service in Taiwan. meat inspection, livestock, poultry, meat inspectors, HACCP, sanitation standards, Taiwan,

Shian-Jyue Du

serials fftc extension bulletin 517

16575 The microeconomics of agricultural development: Risk, institutions, and agricultural policy agricultural development; agricultural policy

Roumasset, James A.

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

5000 The microsporangium and the male gametophyte development in Pittosporum resiniferum Hemls. (Pittosporacea) Pittosporum resiniferum, microsporangium, archesporial cell, exine, generative cell, intine, microgametophyte development, microspore, sperm cell, vegetative cell,

Tolentino, Vivian S.

serials philippine journal of science

13279 The miracle of the seed seed; farming

Barcelona, Arsenio

serials agriculture magazine

4758 The misogynist tradition in selected Philippine poems in English. Misogynist, poems, patriarchal, sex roles, gender,

Morales, N.T.

serials cmu journal of science

5365 The Mlup Baitong experience: Raising environmental awareness and advocacy through media in Cambodia. media, environmental degradation, advocacy, nongovernmental organizations, radio program, information dissemination, Cambodia,

Almeida, Z.J.

serials tropical coasts

15360 The molecular approach reveals the relationship among venus clams (Meretrix spp.) community in Malaysia bivalve; BLAST; Borneo; mtDNA ; PCR; phylogenetic analysis

Mohd Hanafi Idris; Abu Hena Mustafa Kamal; Hadi Hamli; Amy Halimah Rajaee; Abdulla-Al-Asif

serials biotropia: the southeast asian journal of tropical biology

5110 The molecular phylogeography of Philippine scops-owls and implications to ornithology. mitochondrial DNA, scops-owl, evolution, taxonomy, phylogeography, morphology, Philippines, animals,

Miranda, H.C.Jr

serials sylvatrop: the technical journal of philippine ecosystems and natural resources

8037 The moral status of the human embryo in Chinese stem cell research. ethical guidelines, stem cells, Chinese stance,

Wang, Yanguang

serials asian biotechnology and development review

15037 The moss useful ball can grow plants and beautify the environment moss

Hubilla, Ellaine Kryss

serials agriculture magazine