List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15196 The human capital development resilience approach of SEAMEO SPAFA: A response to COVID-19 education; resilience; SEAMEO SPAFA; SPAFA SESH

Somlak Charoenpot

serials journal of southeast asian education

5333 The hydrogen production from biomass. climate change, carbon sequestration, hydrogen, biological hydrogen, thermo-chemical hydrogen production,

Muñoz, J.J.O.

serials agricultura tropica et subtropica

5157 The identification and utilization of eight Philippine major commercial forest vines for the handicraft industry. forest vines, identification, utilization, Agelaea borneensis, Arcangelisia flava, Dicranopteris linearis, Ichnocarpus frutescens, Lygodium circinnatum, Merremia peltata, Pericampylus glaucus, Stenochlaena palustris,

Escobin, R.P.

serials fprdi journal

5154 The identification and utilization of five Philippine medicinal trees. medicinal trees, identification, utilization, Cordia dichotoma, Lagestroemia speciosa, Pittosporum pentandrum, Streblus asper, Vitex negundo,

Escobin, R.P.

serials fprdi journal

5929 The Ifugao honey. honey bees Ifugao

Dait Jr., Juan B.

serials agriculture magazine

8061 The impact of an in-service course for primary science teachers. science teaching, teachers, Brunei,

Scott, Rowena H.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

16197 The impact of coffee certification on the economic performance of Indonesian actors coffee certification; economic performance; economic rent enablers and blockers; sustainable agriculture

Sri Astuti, Esther; Offermans, Astrid; Kemp, Rene; Corvers, Ron

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

16283 The impact of integrated pest management technology on insecticide use in soybean farming in Java, Indonesia: Two models of demand for insecticides insecticide; soybean; IPM; Indonesia

Mariyono, Joko

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

7846 The impact of regional integration and third-country effects on FDI: Evidence from ASEAN. foreign direct investment, regional integration, ASEAN,

Nathapornpan Piyaareekul Uttama

serials asean economic bulletin

8014 The impact of short rotation coppice (SRC) cultivation on the environment. biodiversity, energy crop, land use, landscape scale, poplar (populus), sewage sludge, site preparation, species richness, willow (salix),

Dimitriou, Loannis

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research