List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9009 The country's bougainvillea king lives in Solsona. boungainvillea Palawan cherry Mahogany duhat fishponds

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

7071 The crabs of Lala. crabs traps price Lanao del Norte

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

14450 The crisis of writing the nation in the migrant poetry of KM 64 migrant poetry; nationhood; poetry

Castillo, Laurence Marvin S.

serials up los banos journal

8158 The critical thinking attitudinal profile of some Malaysian secondary students: A reflection of science attitudes. scientific attitude science

Osman, Kamisah; Halim, Lilia; Ikhsan, Zanaton Hj.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

4316 The crown of thorns. Euphorbia ornamental plants hybrids plant requirements

Alejandro, C.

serials agriculture

15245 The curious case of Filipino micro-entrepreneurs' financial sophistication and the triple bottom line microenterprises; financial sophistication; financial literacy; triple bottom line; decision-making style

Guliman, Sheevun Di O.; Uy, Arnel Onesimo O.

serials dlsu business and economics review

3708 The current and future outlook of agricultural biotechnology in Malaysia. biotechnology globalization technology transfer institutional development

Hassan Mat Daud

serials asian biotechnology and development review

14509 The current state of nutrition education in the Philippines behavioral change; focus messages; inter-agency collaboration; key players; key strategies; nutrition education and promotion

Garcia, Lorna O.; Maneja,, Charina P.; Lalap, Belinda A.; Miranda, Marcelina C.; Castaneda, Ana B.; Gonzales, Pamela A.; dela Vega, Ana Lorraine D.; de Juras, Aileen R.; Cabrera, Liza A.; Abuyog, Arnold T.

serials journal of human ecology

8035 The debate on establishing a biobank in Taiwan. biobank leftover tissue human right biotechnology

Tai, Michael C.T.

serials asian biotechnology and development review

8257 The design of a mathematics problem using real-life context for young children. design, mathematics problem, real-life,

Lu Pien Cheng

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia