List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
6262 Vacuum-fried jackfruit: Jackfruit in its hippest form. jackfruit vacuum frying technology price Baybay Leyte

Dela cruz, Rita T.

serials agriculture magazine

7980 Validation of land evaluation methods for performance assessment of traditional agroforestry systems in South West Cameroon. Multivariate statistical analysis, traditional land evaluation, farm section unit, perennial crop, farm holding, tropical humid forest, cameroon,

Njukeng, Jetro N.

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research

8155 Validity and reliability of smart science learning experience inventory (SSLEI). science, item generation, scale and item,

Tek, Ong E.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

5850 Valuable uses of sericulture wastes. sericulture wastes feeds silkworm litter compost handicrafts biss products serials agriculture magazine

12861 Value adding through soya ice candy soya business soya products soya milk soya coffee

Yap, Julio P., Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

15501 Value chain analysis of Maliputo, Caranx ignobilis in the Philippines Caranx ignobilis; value chain analysis; stakeholders

Mutia, Maria Theresa M.; Muyot, Myla C.; Balunan, Rielyn L.; Muyot, Frederick B.

serials the philippine journal of fisheries

7138 Value-added tilapia products showcased. tilapia fish longanisa tocino pulverized spines food products fish sauce

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

15269 Values education and global citizenship in social studies in Japan values education; social studies; curriculum; global citizenship; elementary schools; classroom practices; middle schools; Japan

Kiyoshi Karaki

serials journal of southeast asian education

15271 Values education and global citizenship towards achieving the SDGs and promoting humanities values education; global citizenship; higher education; needs analysis

Abi Sujak; Cahya Kusuma Ratih

serials journal of southeast asian education

15949 Valuing ecosystem services: Sustainable financing options for Bataan National Park financing sources; valuing ecosystem services; bioresources utilization; ecotourism development; conservation program serials dost-pcaarrd policy brief