List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
14460 Using ICTS for environmental awareness: The case of the Baguio City National High School's hour environmental project information and communication technology; ICT-based instruction; student-centered learning; environmental education

de Jesus, Ana Katrina P.

serials up los banos journal

5237 Using of extrusion process for preparation of instant cereal beverage powders based on corn and soybean. instant cereal beverage powders, extrusion process, corn, isolated soy protein, soybeans, corn grit, chemical composition, nutritive value, foods,

Charunuch, C.

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

9159 Using PBL teaching strategy for active learning in pre-university biology in Brunei Darussalam: A case study. problem-based learning, biology teaching, active learning, critical thinking, self-directed learning,

Lim Yian Nee

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

6417 Using Pineapple to Produce Fish Sauce from Surimi Waste. condiment product fish sauce surimi waste

Mathana Sangjindavong; Juta Mookdasanit; Pongtep Wilaipun; Pranisa Chuapoehuk; Chamaiporn Akkanvanitch

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

8200 Using streptomyces xylanase to produce xylooligosanharide from corncob. xylanase, xylooligosacharide, streptomyces,

Meryandini, Anja

serials biotropia: the southeast asian journal of tropical biology

8076 Using the problem-based learning (PBL) approach to teach science. problem-based learning, science,

Tiong, Ho B.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

14076 Using the right fertilizer can help cacao farmers cope with changing weather patterns fertilizer; cacao; farmers; Amino Plus Foliar Fertilizer

Yap, Julio P. Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

14203 Using yield per recruit analysis to determine fish stock status yield; fish stock; beardless barb; recruit analysis; stock assessment

Supapong Pattarapongpan

serials fish for the people

14472 Utility and ruin probability relationship through premium equivalence ruin probability; utility theory; premium equivalence

Mamplata, Jonathan B.; Escaner IV, Jose Maria L.

serials up los banos journal

4550 Utilization advantages of controlled release nitrogen fertilizer on paddy rice cultivation [Review]. crop production, transplanting, cultivation, direct sowing, basal application, nitrogen fertilizer, ammonium sulfate, urea, rice,

Kenzo Wakimoto

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)