List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
4104 Ultrasound: an environmentally friendly tool for the textile industry. ultrasound technology, cotton fibers, enzymes, textile processing, enzymatic treatment, serials agriculture

4829 Ultrastructure of connective tissue cells of giant African snails, Achatina fulica (Bowdich). connective tissue cells, pore cell, vesicular connective tissue cell, amoebocyte, fibroblast, muscle cell,

Viyada Seehabutr

serials the kasetsart journal

7806 Ultraviolet light boosts carrots' antioxidant value. ultraviolet light, carrots, antioxidant, mushrooms, serials agriculture magazine

15249 Unbundling the influence of human capital on the new venture' performance human capital; entrepreneurship; venture performance; panel data

Giones, Ferran; Gozun, Brian; Miralles, Francesc

serials dlsu business and economics review

16581 Under siege: Tobacco farmers suffering from smuggling tobacco; farmers; smuggling; tobacco farming; aging farmers; solutions; government

Ocampo, Junep

serials agriculture magazine

5999 Underscoring food chain security through branding. branding bar codes consumer confidence Alltech products

Sison, Jaime Abella

serials agriculture magazine

5858 Understanding and preventing feedborne mycotoxins (Part 1). mycotoxins feed grains Fusarium mycotoxins fumonisins T2 toxin zearalenone vomitoxin fusaric acid hazards

Sison, Jaime Abella

serials agriculture magazine

5882 Understanding and preventing feedborne mycotoxins (Part 2). mycotoxins binders feed detoxification silica inorganic polymers

Sison, Jaime Abella

serials agriculture magazine

4344 Understanding biotechnology in agriculture. biotechnology, cross-breeding, hybridization, bioengineering, food safety, legal issues, food additives, labeling, pharmaceutical crops, allergens, toxins, anti-nutrients,

Crawford, L.M.

serials agriculture

6289 Understanding ear and kernel diseases. corn plant diseases Gibberella Ear Rot Diplodia Ear Rot Fusarium Ear Rot symptoms disease management

Nieves, Allan C.

serials agriculture magazine