List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
16200 Training needs of Indonesian agricultural extension workers for the 21st century: A recommendation based on a field study communication for development; extension worker; training needs

Agunga, Robert; Putra, R. Ahmad Romadhoni Surya

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

4468 Trait in honey bees keeps mites from multiplying. honey bees, mites, suppressed mite reproduction, Varroa mite, serials agriculture

14663 Tramline enriches productivity of mountainous areas in Negros productivity; mountainous areas; agricultural tramline

Yap Jr., Julio P.

serials agriculture magazine

4351 Tramline: A link and lift for upland farming. tramline system, hauling facility, upland farms,

De la Torre, JJ.M.

serials agriculture

16207 Transaction costs of exchange in agriculture: A survey agricultural exchange; transaction costs; agriculture

Cuevas, Agham C.

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

5079 Transboundary conservation cooperation through UNESCO world heritage and biosphere reserves. transboundary cooperation, biodiversity conservation,

Han Qunli

serials asean biodiversity

15307 Transcriptional responses of the marine planktonic diatom Chaetoceros tenuissimus to nitrogen- and phosphorus-deficient states phytoplankton; microarray

Haruo Yamaguchi; Minoru Inoue; Yuko Tanimoto; Narumi Sumida; Masao Adachi; Kei Kimura; Yuji Tomaru

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

14812 Transcriptome analysis of two strains of Aspergillus oryzae with different responses to light Aspergillus oryzae; RNA sequence; gene expression; koji fermentation

Suzuki, Satoshi; Kusumoto, Ken-ichi

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

15401 Transdisciplinary learning: Gamification in English language learning in Keningau, Sabah English language; gamification; teaching and learning

Ang, T.

serials journal of southeast asian education

13699 Transferring sorghum's weed-killing power to rice sorghum; weed-killing compound; sorgoleone

Avant, Sandra

serials agriculture magazine