List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
5290 Total quality and productivity management (TQPM) for rice production. TQPM, productivity, affectivity, technology,

Madduma, L.T.

serials philrice technical bulletin

12873 Tourism opportunities through coral reef restoration technology Camiguin dive site Coral Reef Restoration Program DOST-PCAARRD

Yap, Julio P., Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

14111 Toward building collaborative collaborative capacity: Assessment of service delivery in Makati Homeville, Laguna, Philippines collaborative capacity; service delivery, collaborative capacity framework

Amores, Christie C., Querijero, Nelson Jose Vincent B.

serials the journal of public affairs and development

7687 Toward measuring household vulnerability to income poverty in the Philippines. household, poverty, vulnerability, income poverty,

Albert, Jose Ramon G.

serials philippine journal of development

15929 Towards a more resilient Europe: Innovating EU democracy in the era of crises citizens' conference; EU democracy; coronavirus pandemic; Ukrainian war; public sphere

Yasue, Noriko

serials journal of policy science

8169 Towards a problem-solving approach in teaching and learning science. problem-solving, teaching, learning, science,

Chin, Christine

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

15155 Towards a simplified and better-informed regulatory system for the bamboo industry bamboo; industry; regulatory approach; Certificate of Verification; production; bamboo development serials policy brief

3457 Towards improved linkage between research and management in marine fisheries

Pido, M.D.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

5398 Towards safer navigation and cleaner seas: INTERTANKO's partnership perspective. partnerships, International Association of Independent Tanker Owners, oil pollution, accident analysis, tanker shipping, oil spills, safety,

Alfonso, M.R.

serials tropical coasts

14221 Towards sustainable fisheries development in Southeast Asia: The twenty-year Japanese trust fund saga in SEAFDEC sustainable fisheries development; fish catch; fishing gears; illegal fishing; unreported fishing; unregulated fishing; SEAFDEC

Ishii, Kaoru; Kawashima,Tetsuya; Sulit, Virgilia T.

serials fish for the people