ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
6507 | Thermal ageing of thermoplastic elastomeric natural rubber-low density polyethylene blends. | natural rubber low-density polyethylene thermal ageing | Wiwat Suaysom; Wirunya Keawwattana |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
7577 | Thermodynamic properties of gas generated by rapeseed methyl ester-air combustion under fuel-lean conditions. | thermodynamic properties, biodiesel, rapeseed methyl ester, combustion, lean fuel, | Sathaporn Chuepeng |
serials | the kasetsart journal |
6682 | Thermotolerant and thermoresistant paecilomyces and its teleomorphic states isolated from Thai forest and mountain soils. | soil fungi paecilomyces byssochlamys talaromyces thermoascus thermotolerant thermoresistant | Janet Jennifer Luangsa-ard; Leka Manoch; Nigel Hywel-Jones; Suparp Artjariyasripong; Robert A. Samson |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
4318 | These "hot" plants could protect strawberries - and more. | cayenne pepper, fingicide, CAY-1, strawberry, molds, Colletotrichum, Phomopsis, fungal pathogens, saponin, | serials | agriculture |
4162 | These bugs are on the ball: Computerized tracking system shows what pests prefer. | insects, behavior, plant odors, servosphere, | Bliss, R.M. |
serials | agriculture |
6174 | These Bukidnon farmers are all out for Bioseed corn. | corn Bioseed price income | Pablico, Sosimo Ma. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
7003 | These women farmers train on PalayCheck system. | rice PalayCheck yields | Pablico, Sosimo Ma.; Biag, Hanah HM M. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
4465 | Things to consider in medicating farm animals : 2: Drug doses and inclusion rates. | 2: Drug doses and inclusion rates. | medicines, animals, dose, | Landicho, E.F. |
serials | agriculture |
4447 | Things to consider in medicating farm animals. | drug administration, injection, water medication, feed medication, animals, medicines, gut-active drugs, | Landicho, E.F. |
serials | agriculture |
5902 | Things you should know about tiamulin (Part 1). | tiamulin antibiotic drugs macrolides bacterial pathogens pigs animal diseases respiratory infections swine dysentery minimum inhibitory concentration | Landicho, Elito Ferry |
serials | agriculture magazine |