List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
12897 The wonders of purple corn anthocyanin antioxidant

Yap, Julio P., Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

3813 The world's first oral vaccine for shrimps. Shrimp, antibiotics, vaccine, immune mechanisms, aquaculture,

Sison, Jaime Abella

serials agriculture

13768 The world's rice bowl: Protected in perpetuity rice; genebanks; crop collections; IRRI serials agriculture magazine

5069 Their impacts and management: Invasive aquatic animals in the Philippines. animal introduction, introduced species, fishes, white goby, eleotrid, golden apple snail, quarantine,

Guerrero, R.D. III

serials asean biodiversity

14270 Theo Angelo Aves Garcia: A young man's vision to uplift the life of every Filipino farmer through the products he makes agribusiness

Lacson, Sahlie P.

serials agriculture magazine

4062 Theoretical analysis and experimental verification of a remotely measurable plant transpiration transfer coefficient. agro-meteorology, remote sensing, surface temperature, transpiration rate,

Qiu, Guo Yu

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

5249 Theoretical study of enantiomer recognition of B-butyrolactone by acetyl cyclodextrins. cyclodextrins, enantiomer recognition, molecular mechanics,

Parasuk, W.

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

4377 There are many opportunities in a mango orchard. mango orchard, scion production, management,

Rola, A.S.

serials agriculture

5032 There is money in lagundi - but you have to know how. Vitex negundo, uses, cultivation, harvest, serials agriculture

4360 There's a need to upgrade muscovado production technology. muscovado, sugar, foods, curing, storage, uses, serials agriculture