List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13442 Tilapia produces more spawn in cool waters tilapia; cool waters; aquashade technology; spawns; fry

Andres, Reynaldo E.

serials agriculture magazine

6491 Tillage System and Fertilizer Rate Effects on Sorghum Productivity in the Central Rift Valley of Oromiya, Ethiopia. harvest index no-tillage soil nutrient soil moisture tied-ridge

Worku Burayu; Sombat Chinawong; Rungsit Suwanketnikom; Thongchai Mala; Sunanta Juntakool

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

3964 Timber production and trade in the Philippines: Implications for the adoption of lumber stress grading. timber production, trade, stress grading,

Lapitan, F.G.

serials fprdi journal

15286 Time series lengths for the accurate isolation of major tidal components by simple Fourier analysis discrete Fourier transform; finite-length time series; Fourier series expansion; spectral leakage; tidal constituent

Katsushi Shirahata; Shuhei Yoshimoto; Takeo Tsuchihara; Hiroomi Nakazato; Satoshi Ishida

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

6022 Time to allow export of bangus fingerlings. bangus export fingerlings milkfish

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

13494 Time to consider the creation of a dep't of fisheries and aquatic resources department; fishery; aquatic resources; fishery policies; fishing industry; aquaculture; investments

Javier, Emil Q.

serials agriculture magazine

14365 Time-course changes in the relationship between serum and milk B-carotene concentrations in mid lactation dairy cows following a shift from drylot feeding to time-limited grazing animal industry; grassland; carotenoid; extraction rate; mammary gland transfer

Haga, Satoshi; Matoba, Kazuhiro; Ishizaki, Hiroshi; Togamura, Yasuko; Ueda, Yasuko; Kariya, Yoshihiro

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

8101 TIMSS - performance of Singapore secondary students part A: Algebra, geometry and data representation, analysis and probability. Singapore, algebra, geometry, data representation,

Mendoza, Lionel P.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

8058 Timss-R mathematics achievement of eighth graders from South East Asian country. mathematics, TIMSS-R, eighth graders,

Kaur, Berinderjeet

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

5678 Tinagak-making: Spinning thread to success. cooperative tinagak abaca fiber income

Dela Cruz, Rita T.

serials agriculture magazine