List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
5093 Bani [Pongamia pinnata (L.) Merr.] anthracnose in the Philippines. Pongamia pinnata anthracnose plant diseases pathogenicity test Rhizoctonia hiemalis trees

Yuebo, Jing; Militante, Ernesto

serials sylvatrop: the technical journal of philippine ecosystems and natural resources

12898 Bani, Pangasinan is watermelon capital of the north watermelon festival China Baby Charleston Grey Factor Crimson watermelon serials agriculture magazine

14936 Bank employee turned an empty wall into a productive vertical vegetable garden vertical vegetable garden; ornamental plants; vegetables

Medenilla, Vina

serials agriculture magazine

7712 Banking and financial sector reforms in Vietnam. finance banking institutional reforms macroeconomic turbulence prudential supervision

Suiwah Leung

serials asean economic bulletin

8504 Banking on plants as storehouses. plants tomatoes silverleaf whitefly

O'Brien, Dennis

serials agriculture magazine

4346 Barako brewed coffee blend in filter bags. coffee beverages filter bags

Papa, A.G.

serials agriculture

4658 Barangay Tulong, Urdaneta City: The milk capital of Pangasinan. cooperatives dairy industry milk production income milk yields Pangasinan Philippines serials agriculture

6652 Barley net blotch (pyrenophora teres drechsl.) epidemiology and management. hordeum vulgare drechslera teres AUDP

Bekele Hundie; Somsiri Sangchote; Ed Sarobol

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

7494 Basal Steroid Hormone Profiles and Reproductive Organ Development of the Native and Commercial Laying Hens in Different States of Egg Production. steroid hormones native hen commercial laying hen ovary oviduct

Ratana Chotesangasa; Supaporn Isriyodom; Nirat Gongruttananun

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

5404 BASEL Protocol on liability and compensation. hazardous wastes import export damages liabilities

Gorre, I.R.

serials tropical coasts