List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
14862 Award-winning screenwriter grows ornamentals and food in her urban garden ornamentals; food; urban garden; vegetable garden

Taculao, Patricia Bianca S.

serials agriculture magazine

16248 Away-from-home meat consumption in China Tobit model; meat consumption; beef; mutton; China

Liu, Hongbo; Parton, Kevin A.; Zhou, Zhangyue; Cox, Rod

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

7517 Axenic Culture of Rice (KDML 105). rice axenic culture multiple shoots

Surin Peyachoknagul; Pradit Pongtongkom; Paderm Ratisoontorn; Saowanee Suputtitada; Lertlak Ngernsiri; Punnee Rodrangboon

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

5483 Axial-flow biomass shredder. shredder composts machines

Belonio, A.T.

serials the philippine agriculture magazine

7101 Azolla deserves a second look. azolla organic farming green manure organic fertilizer uses

Tacio, Henrylito D.

serials agriculture magazine

3173 Azospirillum for nitrogen fixation in coconut (a research note). nitrogen fixation Azospirillum coconut roots

George, M.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

9052 Baby corn-legumes intercropping systems: II weed dynamics and community structure. baby corn legumes intercropping weed smothering weed diversity

Ravi Chandra Sharma; Pabitra Banik

serials njas-wageningen journal of life and sciences

8948 Baby Spowart: The lady architect who turned to farming. milky mushrooms ornamental plants commercial rice farming ratoon rice crop

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

4192 Bachelor finds a gold mine in apiculture. apiculture honey income

Pablico, S.M.

serials agriculture

4775 Bacillus subtilis and its efficacy as a biocontrol agent of rhizoctonia-induced diseases of potato in organically-amended soil. Bacillus subtilis bioassay pH fungicides pesticides plant pathogen

Martim, R.K.; Nagpala, A.L.; Luis, J.S.

serials bsu research journal