List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13531 Ashitaba tea to be mass manufactured ashitaba tea serials agriculture magazine

3752 Asia still world's top shrimp producer. shrimps market shrimp industry serials agriculture

16045 Asia's poultry industry: Are we ready for bird flu? bird flu; avian influenza

Ledesma, Vivian Teresa M.

serials searca policy brief series 2005-9

8033 Asian bioethics: Theoretical background. applied ethics institutional guidelines

Ciriaco M. Sayson, Jr.

serials asian biotechnology and development review

6873 ASIC chip design and implementation of LCD driver circuit for Thai character display. ASIC chip design LCD driver circuit Thai character display

Koarakot Wattanavichean; Witit Limpiyapirom

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

14436 Aspects of communicative competence reflected in the content standards of the department of education 's 2010 secondary English curriculum communicative competence; ESL curriculum; content standards

Malata-Silva, Janette H.

serials up los banos journal

3361 Aspects of phosphorus pollution from aquaculture

Kibria, G.; Nugegoda, D.; Lam, P.; Fairclough, R.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

6638 Assay of acetaminophen in paracetamol tablets by differential pulse voltammetry : chromatography. acetaminophen paracetamol differential pulse voltammetry glassy carbon electrode

Duncan Thorburn Burns; Nipon Tungkananuruk; Sumaporn Kasemsumran; Kanita Tungkananuruk

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

4535 Assessing agricultural biotechnology : Applications of ex-ante and ex-post methods to genetically modified crops. biotechnology technology assessment genetically modified crops economic assessment

Babu, S.C.; Rhoe, V.D.

serials asian biotechnology and development review

9057 Assessing and controlling health risks from animal husbandry. health risks animal husbandry public health livestock farming zoonoses antibiotics

Tjeerd Kimman; Hoek, Maarten; de Jong, Mart C.M.

serials njas-wageningen journal of life sciences